Monday, November 14, 2016

Be a rebel

Being able to practice forgiveness can feel impossible when everyone around you wants to hang onto the hurt and keep the blame alive. Sometimes your people are so invested in hanging on that you need incredible strength and courage to go against the pack and begin to let go.
It might be really challenging for your friends and family to see you put down the black and white glasses and begin to see the world in full colour. They might be afraid you’ll be hurt again or they might be challenged to see their own wounds differently. And because they feel challenged, they might pressure you in no uncertain terms to get back in your victim box.
Practising forgiveness can require incredible courage when it means resisting ways of being that have been in your family for generations. You may need to develop the ability to see your people from a distance, with a loving but critical eye. And you may need to embrace the lonely role of the outsider for a time.
If you want something different, you have to be brave enough to do something different. If you can bear to be a rebel, you might just find what other rebels have always looked for; the freedom to change.

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