Monday, November 7, 2016

Facebook group urges men to only wed a virgin

That’s the message ‘No Hymen, No Diamond’ is preaching on its Facebook page, which has copped criticism on its legitimacy, being labelled as a “troll” by some users after posting comments like the below:
But, one of the group administrators, who wanted to be known as “A” said the “satirical” page was legitimate and the group believed in its message.
“It’s legit — we aren’t trying to troll anyone. We firmly believe what we’re preaching on this page,” one administrator told
“Having a bunch of premarital sex and using Tinder to hook up with random strangers all the time is degenerate. I personally think its degenerate for both guys and girls, but to a greater extent I feel like women, especially, are making poor choices when it comes to their sexual endeavours.”
“A”, who admitted to not being a virgin, said that despite the hate they had received from most users, their page actually provided comfort to women, who were yet to lose their virginity.
“We actually have gotten a bunch of messages from women on the other side of the spectrum too. Women that haven’t lost their virginity yet but are shamed by society for still being virgins thank us for standing up for their side for once.”
The group was unable to provide proof of any praise they had received.
“The reason we made the page wasn’t because we hate women or want them miserable,” the administrator said.
In an attempt to defend the page, one of the administrators felt he was being pinned as the “bad guy” for trying to show women how “doing what feels good in the moment is not the best for people long term”.
“Exposing them to a different viewpoint, rather than the traditional cultural Marxist/leftist/feminist world view that they currently subscribe to would be beneficial. If some of the women that attack us constantly would actually look at statistics and studies we list occasionally, they would see that we have a lot of truth in what we say.”
Despite being evidently vocal about who other men should marry, just don’t ask the creators behind the controversial comments if they’d practise what they preach.
“With absolute certainty I can’t say for sure that I wouldn’t [marry a non-virgin]. But every girl is different. Would I do it if she was the only woman that was attracted to me in the entire world? Probably, because who else would I find?”

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